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Zalazak sunca na Nišavi - Sunset on the Nisava
Sunce na Tremu, Sunrise over the Dry mountain
Саборна црква Св. Тројице
Niš, posle ponoći... Nis, after midnight...I love my city...
Све на једном месту
Pogled sa kapije muzeja Ćele Kula prema Trošarini - The view from the gate the Skull Tower Museum to Trosharina
Gromovi i munje
Dizel lokomotiva(diesel loco)
Stara ložionica
Three fists — Memorial Park Bubanj
Veče u Čairu
Dok čekam kumu...
Hram Sv. Cara Konstantina i Carice Jelene - Church of St. Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena
Gabrovačka reka
Niš, Srbija: crkva Svetog Pantelejmona (Pantelejska crkva), Nis, Serbia: Ortodox Church "St Panteleimon" The place where Frederick Barbarossa and Stefan Nemanja signed the contract for passing cruisers through Serbia on their way (Third Crusade) to conquering the Holy Land. At the same time the son of Stefan - Sava (St. Sava later) helped to Barabrossa its healing powers to heal and recover
Bogoslovija Svetog Kirila i Metodija
Meteorological stations - Kamenički vis,Niš,Srbija
Drugačiji pogled na svet...
Niš - Restoran Amerikanac
Лепе боје јесени.
U dolini kraj Nišave .../ In the valley beside Nišava ..
Зидана пећ за хлеб-метално буре,цигле
Jesam mala, ali vrlo ambiciozna; Yes, I am small, but very ambitious
G. Medjurovo: Nije završena, ali definitivno - biće lepa; Not finished but it definitely will be nice
Miroljubiv let od Suve Planine do Medoševca
Selo Trupale - Antena mobilne telefonije
Church "Sveti Jovan"
Jotin travnjak
Village Hum near Nis
Nis fizetőkapu
Suva Planina iz Čalija-Niš
Manastir Svete Trojice - Holy Trinity Monastery
Još jedan lep jesenji dan, krenem ka Sićevačkoj klisuri a na putu ka Niškoj banji pogled; dole put i pruga, desno Niška banja; Another beautiful fall day and go I to the Sicevo gorge - on the road to Niska banja spa: down is railway, right Niska banja
Sunset while traveling on August 18, 2006
Klinika za plućne bolesti, Knez Selo
Nis elágazás
Villa "Mira", Prva Kutina, Niš, Serbia
Village Gabrovac
Jutro. Istočni oganj ne miruje.
Dva lepotana i Green centar u Donjoj Vrežini
Hotel Svetlost Plus
Somborska by Night
Interchange E75-E80

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.